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msg : '确定删除该条内容吗?'; art.dialog({ title: false, icon: 'question', content: msg, lock:true, close: function () { $_this.focus();; //关闭时让触发弹窗的元素获取焦点 return true; }, ok: function () { $.getJSON(href).done(function (data) { var msgdata = new Array(); msgdata.msg = '数据保存成功!'; if (data.state === 'success') { resultTip(msgdata); if (data.referer) { location.href = data.referer; } else { reloadPage(window); } } else if (data.state === 'fail') { msgdata.error ='warning'; msgdata.msg = data.info; resultTip(msgdata); } }); }, cancelVal: '取消', cancel: true }); }); }); } //所有的请求刷新操作 var ajax_refresh = $('a.J_ajax_refresh'), refresh_lock = false; if (ajax_refresh.length) { ajax_refresh.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (refresh_lock) { return false; } refresh_lock = true; $.post(this.href, function (data) { refresh_lock = false; if (data.state === 'success') { if (data.referer) { location.href = data.referer; } else { reloadPage(window); } } else if (data.state === 'fail') { Wind.art.dialog.alert(data.info); } }, 'json'); }); } //拾色器 var color_pick = $('.J_color_pick'); if (color_pick.length) { Wind.use('colorPicker', function () { color_pick.each(function () { $(this).colorPicker({ default_color: 'url("' + GV.DIMAUB + 'statics/images/transparent.png")', //写死 callback: function (color) { var em = $(this).find('em'), input = $(this).next('.J_hidden_color'); em.css('background', color); input.val(color.length === 7 ? 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"; secure" : "") + ";expires="+expire.toGMTString(); } //浮出提示_居中 function resultTip(options) { var cls = (options.error ? 'warning' : 'success'); var pop = $('
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img.height*img.width/dW : img.height; } }else { if(img.height > dH) { obj.height = dH; obj.width = img.width*dH/img.height; }else { obj.height = img.height; obj.width = img.width > dW ? img.height*img.width/dH : img.width; } } obj.style.marginTop = (dH-obj.height)/2+'px'; } function is_thumb(e,field){ var is_thumb_index = $("input[name='"+field+"_is_thumb[]']").index(e) // $(e).parent().addClass('checked'); $("input[name='"+field+"_is_thumb[]']").not(e).attr("checked", false); // console.log($(e).parent()); if(!$(e).parent().hasClass('checked')){ $("input[name='"+field+"_is_thumb[]']").parent().removeClass('checked') $(e).parent().addClass('checked'); $('#is_thumb_url').val($("input[name='"+field+"_url[]']").eq(is_thumb_index).val()); }else { $(e).parent().removeClass('checked'); $('#is_thumb_url').val(''); } }